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Webinars & Video

The Keys to Issue Selection

WEBINAR: Selecting the right issue to address through corporate citizenship is half the battle. In this webinar, CSR leaders discuss strategic efforts to select the issues for which the company's investment can have the greatest impact.

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Corporate Governance 101

WEBINAR: In this webinar we’re going to focus on the "G" in ESG. The field of corporate citizenship includes managing and reporting on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. What exactly is the role of the corporate citizenship professional in corporate governance? How can corporate citizenship professionals support and promote healthy corporate governance within their companies? Tune in to hear corporate citizenship professionals discuss how they play a role in corporate governance issues, such as business ethics, diversity, and data protection/privacy.

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Research Highlights: Community Involvement Study 2019

WEBINAR: Join the researchers and corporate citizenship professionals featured in the study to learn about trends in community involvement and where the field is heading over the next few years.

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Understanding Corporate Citizenship Reporting Frameworks

WEBINAR: This webinar will focus on three leading reporting frameworks for corporate citizenship professionals – CDP, GRI, and .

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Getting to Gender Equality at Every Level

WEBINAR: Join us to hear corporate citizenship professionals discuss how they are making their companies equal from the production line to the boardroom and everywhere in between.

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Harmonizing with the Sustainable Development Goals

WEBINAR: As we near the fourth anniversary of the ratification of these goals, tune in to hear corporate citizenship professionals discuss why and how they harmonized their efforts with the SDGs.

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Successful Collaboration with Investor Relations

WEBINAR: Hear how corporate citizenship professionals work with investor relations departments to showcase their ESG efforts and attract investment.

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Disaster Prevention, Resilience, and Relief

WEBINAR: Join us to hear practical advice for establishing effective disaster-related strategies and tactics.

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Engaging Remote Employees through Corporate Citizenship

WEBINAR: Join us to hear practical tips and insights from corporate citizenship professionals who have helped remote employees stay engaged through volunteerism opportunities, recognition programs, and more.

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Corporate Citizenship: A Year in Review

WEBINAR: Join staff from the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship in taking a moment to reflect upon the key takeaways from the world of corporate citizenship in 2019.

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Good Data Habits for Corporate Citizenship Professionals

WEBINAR: Join us to explore all things data related.

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Latest Research Findings: The State of Corporate Citizenship 2020

WEBINAR: Join us to hear about how corporate citizenship efforts contribute to business objectives including increasing market share, engaging employees, and enhancing reputation.

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