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CSR Research: Responsible Corporate Leadership

women clearer communicators

Women CFOs are clearer communicators with shareholders—and it pays off

RESEARCH BRIEF - CFOs who are women tend to speak more realistically, concisely, and quantitatively than their male counterparts in less scripted portions of earnings calls. Read how investors respond...

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women board directors and ESG

Women directors positively affect ESG performance, especially in certain countries

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers looked at the ratio of women directors on the boards of 3,175 global firms alongside the firms’ corporate social performance scores.

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age diversity top management teams - 1

Age demographics of top management teams impact environmental management strategies

RESEARCH BRIEF - To understand what effect the age of top management team members has on a firm’s environmental management strategies, researchers analyzed data from over 500 U.S. firms over eight years.

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CA board diversity law

Will a higher ratio of women board members improve ESG performance?

RESEARCH BRIEF - To examine the relationship between women board directors and corporate social performance including how national culture may affect this relationship—researchers looked at nearly 3,200 public firms across 38 countries over 7 years.

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global companies are more environmentally sustainable

Lost and Found in Translation: Globalization and the Emergence of CSR Narratives

RESEARCH BRIEF - Globalization of firm activities raises the bar for ESG disclosure.

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