Kevin Lopez

Kevin Lopez

1. What motivated you to apply for the Romero Scholarship?

During my junior year, people kept recommending me to apply. At first, I thought I needed to do more for my community. In my mind, I only worked at the BAIC, talked to many of my peers, and participated in clubs/programs. All of which I thought was not unique compared to other applicants. However, many friends validated my efforts and gave me a new perspective. Learning how my actions helped my community motivated me to apply for the Romero Scholarship.

2. What was the most memorable question from the interview, and how did you respond?

The most memorable question was somewhere along the lines of, “What could be done to better the Latino community?” I responded that education must be accessible to everyone. I explained that understanding and learning about the experiences of the Latino community and how to better their lives in the US and other countries is essential to diminish discrimination and inequity. In addition, accessible education for Latino parents and students can help them navigate the health care, judicial, and economic systems.

3. How did you feel when you heard your name called as the award winner?

Hearing my name took me by surprise. Although I was happy to win the award with Jonathan Mora, I wished the three of us could win. Jonathan and Sebastian Cota are great friends of mine, and I know the three of us will continue to work for a better future and practice St. Oscar Romero’s values.

4. What do you feel is your biggest responsibility as the Romero Scholarship recipient of 2023?

To continue practicing the values St. Oscar Romero and I have in common. I will continue to help my peers. Furthermore, I will always make time for others and support my community throughout the rest of my journey and after.

5. What would you say to students who are thinking of applying next year?

Apply! Apply! Apply! You might think, “Wow, these recipients did a lot for the Latino community.” I thought the same way, but know that you have already done so much for the Latino community and deserve recognition.