Romance Languages and Literatures

Tina Montenegro

Assistant Professor of French

Recent Publications

“Atlantics: the Ocean as Another Place,” Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 11, no 3 (Winter 2021): 131-135,

“Justice in the Miniatures of Brunetto Latini’s Art of Rhetoric: Columbia Library, Plimpton MS 281,” Clio@Themis: revue électronique d’histoire du droit 21 (2021),

“T image of the wise diteor reflected in the division of philosophy of the Tresor,” in 'Darne in volgare alcuna dottrina,' Dante e la cultura fiorentina tra Bono Giamboni e Brunetto Latini, ed. Luca Lombardo, Zygmunt G. Baranski, Theodore J. Cachey Jr. (Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2019), 133-148.

“Carambolages: Jean-Hubert Martin at the Grand Palais,” Shift: Graduate Journal of Visual and Material Culture 9 (2016). [Online]

“A Study about Emblems: A Serpent in é and in the Emblematum liber,” Notes on Early Modern Art 1, no. 2 (2014): 17-26.

“Sintoma e intuição, entrevista com Thierry de Duve,” Novos Estudos – CEBRAP 79 (Nov. 2007): 211-226.


Robert Bailey, “Penser l'art: les historiens de l'art se tournent vers l'art conceptuel,”  Marges 27 (2018): 16-29, English to French.

Jonathan Crary, Suspensões da percepção: atenção, espetáculos e cultura moderna (São Paulo: Cosac e Naify, 2013). English to Portuguese.

Hal Foster, “Design e crime,” Ars 8,  no. 18 (2011): 49-58. English to Portuguese.

Luiz Edmundo Andrade,  A França do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro: Andaluz, 2009). Portuguese to French.

Selected Fellowships and Awards

Peter T. Ricketts Dissertation Prize, Associations Internationale d’Études Occitanes, 2019

Beaujour Fellowship, NYU, 2017

Bradley Rubidge Prize, NYU, 2015

Floyd L. Moreland Scholarship, Latin/Greek Institute Summer Program, CUNY, 2014

Selected Conference Presentations

“Tre and Back Again: Discussing Anachronism,” 2022 ACLA Annual Meeting, June 2022. (panelist and organizer)

“From Division to Order: Philosophy in the Tresor and in the Livre de la mutacion de Fortune,Organizing and Disorganizing Knowledge, Durham History of the Book Conference, Durham University, September 2021.

“Seeing and Knowing: Aristotle in Christine de Pizan’s Livre de la mutacion de Fortune,Wesleyan Renaissance Seminar, Wesleyan University, May 2021.

[Untlited] (a performative reading on love, language and feminine submission), Hildelund Art Festival, Västra Ämtervik, Sweden, July 2019.

“Boethius in Brunetto Latini's 13th century հǰ: Bridging the Gap Between Dialectic and Rhetoric,” 2019 MLA Annual Convention, Chicago, January 2019.

“T Origin of the World in the Middle Ages and our Narratives of Catastrophe,” Hildelund Art Festival, Västra Ämtervik, Sweden, July 2018.

“T Leys d'Amors: an Art of Poetry, a Book of Love,” 93rd Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, Atlanta, March 2018.

“Plimpton MS 281, an Illuminated Manuscript of the Tresor as a Space of Rhetoric,” 20th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric – ISHR, London, July 2017.

“Divide to Conquer: The Division of Philosophy in Brunetto Latini and its Reception in Poetry,” GRI Fellows Lunch Presentation, NYU Florence, April 2017.