Academic Integrity

Working in languages other than English presents temptations and challenges unique to RLL students with regard to academic integrity. All work that students submit is expected to be their own unless otherwise specified by the professor and must conform to the following standards:

Words & Concrete Expressions

For single words and short expressions, such as something you would look up in a dictionary, students may judiciously use online translation sources. Be advised that such sources are often incorrect, and consultation with your professor is best practice.

Application-Based Spelling & Grammar Checks

Students are encouraged to use the built-in target language spelling and grammar checks in software to improve their written work before handing it in. Indeed, good writing practice includes turning on such resources, in the target language, before starting to compose. While these tools find only basic errors, they can be helpful.


Your objective is to improve your linguistic capacity and rhetorical sophistication in the target language, whatever your proficiency level. This can only be done if you author your own writing, mistakes included. If your grammar or style needs improvement, ask for a chance to rewrite assignments as a way to move forward in your mastery of the language. (However, not all written assignments will be allowed a re-write.)

If you seek assistance from any other source, including but not limited to online translation sites, tutors (ÈâÂþÎÝ and others), the Connors Learning Center, friends or family members, you must disclose that source in written form on your assignments. (Be sure to provide website links, if relevant.) While we do not discourage recourse to such resources, it will be factored into your grade.

Concepts & Larger Content

Concepts and larger content must be your own work only. Please read carefully the university's policy on academic integrity. You are responsible for being completely familiar with its contents.