Dignity at Work

Purposeful Formation in the post-COVID Organization

One consequence of the COVID crisis is an emerging awareness of the need for more meaning and more dignity across the full workforce. Informed by experts in formative education and the psychology of working at Boston College, this workshop describes new approaches to enacting purpose within  an organization’s mission, human resources, and talent management.

Who Should Attend

  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Senior Business Executives 
  • Business Unit Managers

Program Goals & Options

  • Organization or team assessment to evaluate current state.
  • Evidenced-based program content based on current research.
  • Interactive learning process to facilitate self-reflection.
  • Post-program learning projects to apply learning.

Learning Goals

In this workshop, participants will learn the following:

  • How enhancing dignity at work can help organizations respond to multiple challenges in the post COVID-19 era.
  • What dignity at work looks like in corporate settings.
  • How to apply formative education to the world of work.
  • How formative education can enrich the dignity of employees and managers.
  • New ways to develop wholeness and purpose in order to enrich the lives of employees and the productivity of an organization.
  • How to develop a tailored project that applies the ideas and techniques from this workshop to the unique needs of the organization.


Stanton E. F. Wortham

Stanton E. F. Wortham

Charles F. Donovan, S.J., Dean at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Stanton Wortham is a linguistic anthropologist and educational ethnographer with a particular expertise in how identities develop in human interactions. Stanton has served as an Academic Director for Wharton Executive Education at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author or editor of 10 books and more than 100 articles and chapters that cover a range of topics including linguistic anthropology, discourse analysis, “learning identity”, and education in the new Latino diaspora.

David Blustein

David Blustein

Professor and Duganne Faculty Fellow at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development

While his research spans many areas—from poverty and oppression to culture and counseling—David Blustein’s study of the roles of work in psychological functioning has transformed counseling and vocational psychology. His expertise also includes unemployment, decent work, precarious work, relationships and work, the future of work, STEM career development for marginalized high school students, and other aspects of the radically changing world of labor. He has consulted with the International Labor Organization, United Nations Development Program, and OECD on issues pertaining to education, work, and obstacles to decent and dignified work. David has written and edited two books on the psychology of working and has recently published The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty: The Eroding Work Experience in America.

Belle Liang

Belle Liang

Professor and incoming Chair of the Counseling and Developmental Psychology Department the Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Dr. Belle Liang is an expert in the field of mentoring. Her research focuses on the qualities of mentoring that cultivate purpose in young people. She is the faculty director of the True North Project, a curriculum and a web-based application engaging people and organizations in the systematic promotion of purpose-directed lives. She is also a licensed psychologist and advisor for a number of organizations that serve youth. Dr. Liang has published over 80 scientific journal articles and book chapters on mentoring and relational health, and a co-authored book on community development. She is currently working on a book (to be published by St. Martin’s Press) on Purpose Mindset: The New Science of Navigating School, Career, & Life.

Bryan Dik

Bryan Dik

Professor at Colorado State University

Dr. Bryan Dik is the co-founder and Chief Science Officer of jobZology, a software and services company that helps students, job-seekers, and organizations pursue purposeful work. Bryan’s research examines meaning and purpose in the workplace, calling and vocation in career development, and the intersection of faith and work. He has consulted with more than a dozen organizations, has published four books (including Redeeming WorkԻMake Your Job a Calling), and hosts the Purposeful Work Podcast.

Patricia Lowe

Patricia Lowe

Associate Vice President, Office for Institutional Diversity at Boston College

Patricia Lowe, Esq., is the Associate Vice President of the Office for Institutional Diversity at Boston College. In her role she provides leadership in addressing cultural climate concerns within the Boston College community.  Patricia has oversight of the University’s inclusion and diversity efforts, overseeing policies and procedures to ensure Boston College complies with relevant federal, state and local regulations and guidelines,—including discrimination and harassment: sexual and gender-based harassment and violence, equal opportunity and affirmative action (‘EEO/AA’) Title IX and ADA compliance.  She leads an office that helps foster a supportive working and learning environment for all members of the Boston College community.   


2-3 Hour Customizable Modules
Online, In-person, or Hybrid

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Dignity at Work