Welles Remy Crowther Red Bandanna 5K Run

A fall annual event bringing the ÈâÂþÎÝ community together to celebrate and honor the life of this incredible individual.

Student Organization Volunteer Fair

Every year, during the second week of school, the VSLC invites ÈâÂþÎÝ students to attend a fair to explore the various ÈâÂþÎÝ-run service organizations. Meet students leaders, ask questions, and find the service organization that's right for you.

Post Grad Service Fair

Take advantage of this chance to speak to over 50 organizations with full-time volunteer opportunities both domestic and abroad. No dress code and no resumes needed! Open to all students.

Relay for Life for Boston College

Relay For Life is a grass roots, community-based team event that takes place each spring semester. ÈâÂþÎÝ Relay for Life has raised over a $1 million dollars for the American Cancer Society's fight to end cancer.