photo of Carlos Agualimpia Arriaga

I was born in Brescia (Italy) in 1991. In 2014 I achieved the Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Education at the University of Brescia (vote 110/110 with a thesis entitled: "The paternal educational code of an educator in a residential rehab center for adolescents"). Between 2014 and 2017, I worked in some socio-educational centers. In 2017 I reach the Master Degree in "Pedagogical design and HR development" at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan (vote 110/110 cum laude with a thesis entitled "Pedagogy and enterprise. Integral human development and sustainable work").Ìý My thesis won the 1st prize ABSL (Brescian Association of Labor Studies). Between 2017 and 2019, I worked in a primary school as a teacher. Since 2018 I have been collaborating in some academic research with the Postgraduate School for Environmental Studies at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart. In 2019 I reach the master’s degree in "Management and communication of sustainability. Education, green jobs, circular economy" at the Postgraduate School for Environmental Studies at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart. I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Personal and Educational Sciences (Education) at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan (IT). My research is on "Youth and education for integral ecology, between climate change and ecological conversion in action".

I have always considered education as a fundamental element to generate change in societies for a better future. For this reason, my life and studies have always been characterized by a strong interest and a lively passion for the education of young people. Also, I believe that interdisciplinary dialogue and teamwork can help us to face the ecological crisis. During my studies, I have developed a broader outlook, recognizing in interdisciplinarity and international dialogue the necessary tools for an education for global citizenship. My past studies have given me a wide-ranging perspective on sustainability, and a better understanding of the fundamental importance of educating the younger generation for integral human development.I began my studies in pedagogy and later worked for several years as an educator of children and adolescents, developing practical knowledge and skills in education and relationships with young people. Later, I deepened my studies in pedagogy and human resources training in the field of work, business, and enterprises writing an M.A. thesis on entrepreneurial training applied to sustainable development.After reading Pope Francis' Encyclical Letter Laudato si', I felt the educational vocation even stronger and turned my interests and curiosity towards ecological issues: pollution of the earth, climate change, social inequalities, sustainable development. The chance of studying at the Postgraduate School for Environmental Studies, allowed me to deepen the study of ecological issues on an interdisciplinary level, considering the contamination between different sciences as an added value and getting out of my comfort zone. I developed a broad and integral approach to the subject, able to consider the environmental, social, economic, and ethical issues involved in the ecological crisis.I have also had some international experiences of study in Tanzania on international cooperation, in Panama City, speaking at the III Congress on the Care of Creation, and in Assisi, with the Economy of Francesco, an opportunity for me to deepen the dialogue with the economic and managerial issues.