Every year, a group of dedicated students raises money for the Campus School, one of the area’s most inspirational organizations and a cherished Boston College institution.

Located in Campion Hall, the Campus School provides personalized educational and therapeutic services to students ages 3–21 who face complex challenges and have unique learning needs. Approximately 400 Boston College students annually participate in a series of activities that support the Campus School’s vital services.

These students—known collectively as the Campus School Volunteers of Boston College (CSV)—have varied interests, but what unites them is their commitment to the Jesuit value of men and women working in service for others. “Some of them have never had an experience with a special needs person in their lives,” Campus School Outreach Coordinator Kristen Morin said. “And here they are, willing to serve and inspire pure joy in our students, many of whom face many struggles just to get to school every day.”

A Transformative Experience for Everyone

In the past year, CSV raised both awareness of the Campus School’s work and more than $100,000 that will enable it to continue to support students with special needs. Events included a half-marathon in Newton, two undergraduates’ participation in the Boston Marathon, golf tournaments, a dance ensemble performance, a capella concerts, and a broom hockey tournament.

But the relationship between CSV and the Campus School isn’t one-sided, as volunteers benefit from inspiration and career preparation, deeply touching their lives in the process. “The empathy and the compassion they feel—it’s a transformative experience for them,” Morin said. “They’re all pretty joyful, whether they arrive that way or are inspired after serving here. And it’s pre-professional experience for so many paths—including therapy, business, and education.”