Faculty Directory

Daniel J. Daly

Associate Professor of Moral Theology

Executive Director, Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) Theology and Ethics Center

selected courses

  • Virtue Ethics
  • Healthcare Ethics
  • End of Life Ethics
  • Christian Ethics and Social Structures

SELECTED publications

Peer-Reviewed Book

The Structures of Virtue and Vice (Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2021).

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters 

“Pathways of Holiness: Institutions, Moral Formation, and the Virtues,” in Bothering to Love: James F. Keenan’s Retrieval and Reinvention of Catholic Ethics, eds. Christopher P. Vogt and Kate Ward (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2024), 59-70.

“Exemplarist Medical Ethics,” Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2024): 447-451.

“Substance and Style in the Prolife Discourse” Journal of Moral Theology 12, no.1 (2023): 135-138.

“A Principlist Approach to Multiple Heart Valve Replacements for Patients with Intravenous Drug Use-Induced Endocarditis,” Journal of Medical Ethics 48, no. 10 (2022): 685-688. It was selected as the “Editor’s Choice” by the editor for “its special interest or importance.”

“The Virtuous Hospital: A Catholic Organizational Healthcare Ethics,” The Journal of Healthcare Ethics & Administration 8, no. 2 (2022): 1-12.

 “Virtue Ethics and Action Guidance,” Theological Studies 82 (2021): 565-582. 

“How Many Heart Valves Is One Person Owed? The Ethics of Multiple Valve Transplants for Patients with IVDU-Induced Endocarditis,” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 41 (2021): 149-167.

 “Social Structures and Public Health Ethics,” in Ethical Challenges in Global Public Health: Climate Change, Pollution, and the Health of the Poor, ed. Philip J. Landrigan and Andrea Vicini (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2021), 84-95.

 “Virtue Ethics,” in T&T Clark Companion to Christian Ethics, ed. Tobias Winright (New York: T&T Clark, 2021), 59-70. 

 “Guidelines for Rationing Treatment during the COVID-19 Crisis: A Catholic Approach,” Health Progress 101 (2020): 50-56, (reprinted in Japanese in Shingaku Digest 129 [2020]: 116-24).

“Critical Realism, Virtue Ethics, and Moral Agency,” in Moral Agency within Social Structures and Culture, ed. Daniel Finn (Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2020), 89-101.

“Who Counts as a Person?” in Incarnate Grace: Catholic Perspectives on Health Care, ed. Charlie Bouchard (Saint Louis: Catholic Health Association Press, 2017), 93-108.

“Confronting the ‘Normative Abyss’: The Challenges and Resources in Catholic Ethics for the Global Age,” in Decentering Discussions on Religion and State” Emerging Narratives, Challenging Perspectives, ed. Sargon Donabed and Autumn Grant (New York: Lexington Books, 2015), 157-77. 

“Obama and the Common Good” in The American Election 2012: Contexts and Consequences, ed. R. Ward Holder and Peter Josephson (New York: Palgrave, 2014), 279-90. 

 “Unreasonable Means: Proposing a New Category for Catholic End of Life Ethics,” Christian Bioethics 19 (2013): 40-59.

“From Nature to Second Nature: The Relationship of the Natural Law and Acquired Virtues in the Summa theologiae,” Angelicum 88 (2011): 693-715.

“Structures of Virtue and Vice,” New Blackfriars 92 (2011): 341-57.

“The Relationship of Virtues and Norms in the Summa theologiae,” Heythrop Journal 51 (2010): 214-29. 

“Prudence and the Debate on Death and Dying,” Health Progress 88 (2007): 49-54.