Larry Holodak CSOM ’94

A New England hero is in this photo—Executive Committee member Larry Holodak! Another New England hero, Tom Brady, makes an appearance too.

Name: Larry Holodak

Class/Degree: 1984, Carroll School of Management, with a degree in economics and computer science

Current Occupation: Managing Director, Corporate Compliance at JPMorgan Chase

Where do you currently reside: On the west side of Manhattan, near Lincoln Center

Married/Single/Children: Single, no kids.

When did you come out and to whom? I came out fully in 2015, a little late in life. I started to come out in 2009, so it was a bit of a long journey. The first person I came out to was my best friend who I have known since 7th grade. He had told me he was gay 20 years earlier!

The pathway to my coming out was through my local pastor at my church, but it wasn’t until much later that I came out to my family. I was involved in producing a short documentary called “Owning Our Faith” () in 2015, and it was the motivator for telling my family.

What is your greatest memory from your time at ? One of my greatest memories was in freshman year, when two girls on campus invited my roommate and I to attend the B52’s concert at Roberts Hall. What a night!

What is your greatest accomplishment since graduating? There are two. The first would be forming the LGBTQ+ group at my local NYC church “Out at St. Paul.” The second would be being part of the team that finally gained recognition from the University for ’s LGBTQ+ Alumni.

What traits do you most admire? Honesty, empathy, and a really good sense of humor.

What are your pet peeves? Selfishness and when injustice of any kind rears its ugly head.

What is a little-known fact about you? I have been to 6 of the 7 continents.

If you could invite one person to have dinner and conversation with you, who would you invite? Jesus. Or Madonna. It’s a toss-up. Kidding. Definitely Jesus. But If I could have two… 😉

What do you feel you gain by being connected with your LGBTQ+ classmates? Definitely access to the most amazing people with whom I share the common lineage and experiences on multiple dimensions.

What would you like to accomplish before it’s too late? Get to that 7th continent!